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Protect your discs with industry-best, traditional 4 Panel Inserts. With Crystal Clear's Low Price Promise and quality guarantee, you can rest assured you will be satisfied with your Jewel Case Inserts. And get it fast! Your package will be produced in our facility, guaranteeing your turn time will be met.
Also available for duplicated or replicated CD orders
Disc Packaging - Jewel Case Inserts
Price: $0.00
Product ID : Disc Packaging - 4 Inserts
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Crystal Clear Customer
Jewel Case Style:
Insert Type:
2 Panel
This is a great way to add more print space to your disc package. A 2 panel jewel case insert is trimmed to 4.75 x 4.75 inches and printed on both sides. Please see the specs and templates reference for 2 panel CD inserts.
4 Panel
A 4 panel jewel case insert is trimmed to 9.50 x 4.75 inches and printed on both sides. Please see the specs and templates reference for 4 panel CD inserts.
6 Panel
A 6 panel jewel case insert is trimmed to 14.187 x 4.75 inches and printed on both sides. Please see the specs and templates reference for 6 panel CD inserts.
8 Panel
8 Panel
8 Page Book
An 8 page book jewel case insert is trimmed to 4.75 x 4.75 inches and printed on all pages. Please see the specs and templates reference for 8 page booklets.
12 Page Book
A 12 page book jewel case insert is trimmed to 4.75 x 4.75 inches and printed on all pages. Please see the specs and templates reference for multi page booklets.
16 Page Book
A 16 page book jewel case insert is trimmed to 4.75 x 4.75 inches and printed on all pages. Please see the specs and templates reference for multi page booklets.
20 Page Book
A 20 page book jewel case insert is trimmed to 4.75 x 4.75 inches and printed on all pages. Please see the specs and templates reference for multi page booklets.
24 Page Book
A 24 page book jewel case insert is trimmed to 4.75 x 4.75 inches and printed on all pages. Please see the specs and templates reference for multi page booklets.
28 Page Book
A 28 page book jewel case insert is trimmed to 4.75 x 4.75 inches and printed on all pages. Please see the specs and templates reference for multi page booklets.
32 Page Book
A 32 page book jewel case insert is trimmed to 4.75 x 4.75 inches and printed on all pages. Please see the specs and templates reference for multi page booklets.
36 Page Book
A 36 page book jewel case insert is trimmed to 4.75 x 4.75 inches and printed on all pages. Please see the specs and templates reference for multi page booklets.
Inserts Printed:
Color Front, Black Back
Front of your insert is printed in full color and the back of your insert is printed in black only.
Full Color Both Sides
Your insert will print full color on both sides. Same for the traycard.
Color Front, Blank Back
Front cover of your insert is printed in full color with nothing printed on the back. Same for the tray card.
Color Outside, Black Inside
Color Outside, Black Inside
Full Color Throughout
This option prints the booklet full color on all pages and the traycard full color on both sides.
Traycards Printed:
Traycard Inside and Outside
Both sides of the traycard insert will be printed. The inside is the part you see when the disc is removed from the tray. The outside is the side that shows through the back of the jewel case.
Traycard Outside Only
Only the outside of the tray card insert will be printed. The outside is the side that shows through the back of the jewel case.
No Traycard Included
No Traycard Included
Production Time:
5 Business Days
5 business days means that your project will ship from our plant on the 6th business day after your approval if you approve before 10:30 am central time.
3 Business Days
3 business days means that your project will ship from our plant on the 4th business day after your approval if you approve before 10:30 am central time.
10 Business Days
10 Business Days
5 Business Day
5 Business Day
Unlimited Digital Distribution:
No Thank You
No Thank You
Get Worldwide Digital Distribution $59
Purchase digital music distribution for an unlimited number of albums and singles for an entire year. That's right, you can submit as many of your albums or singles as you like with no additional charge. Your music will be submitted to over 150 digital distribution sites worldwide including iTunes, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Google Play, Apple Music, Tidal, YouTube, Deezer, Yahoo Music, and many more. Artist maintains 100% rights to all of their music. Also available: rights management on YouTube and submission to Shazam and Siri. Sign up today and start selling your music worldwide! Add it to this order and get our low discounted package price of just $59.
Project Adviser:
Add Design-2 Panel
Design - Why not let a design expert handle your project? At Crystal Clear we design projects all the time and we are good at it! It does take experience to convey your message correctly and make the right impression. We have that experience. In fact after designing thousands of projects we can comfortably say that we get it right the first time almost every time. Even if you have never worked with a designer in the past you will be surprised how easy and comfortable the process is.
Add Design-4 Panel
Design - Why not let a design expert handle your project? At Crystal Clear we design projects all the time and we are good at it! It does take experience to convey your message correctly and make the right impression. We have that experience. In fact after designing thousands of projects we can comfortably say that we get it right the first time almost every time. Even if you have never worked with a designer in the past you will be surprised how easy and comfortable the process is.
Add Design-6 Panel
Design - Why not let a design expert handle your project? At Crystal Clear we design projects all the time and we are good at it! It does take experience to convey your message correctly and make the right impression. We have that experience. In fact after designing thousands of projects we can comfortably say that we get it right the first time almost every time. Even if you have never worked with a designer in the past you will be surprised how easy and comfortable the process is.
Add Design-8 Panel
Design - Why not let a design expert handle your project? At Crystal Clear we design projects all the time and we are good at it! It does take experience to convey your message correctly and make the right impression. We have that experience. In fact after designing thousands of projects we can comfortably say that we get it right the first time almost every time. Even if you have never worked with a designer in the past you will be surprised how easy and comfortable the process is.
Add Design-10 Panel
Design - Why not let a design expert handle your project? At Crystal Clear we design projects all the time and we are good at it! It does take experience to convey your message correctly and make the right impression. We have that experience. In fact after designing thousands of projects we can comfortably say that we get it right the first time almost every time. Even if you have never worked with a designer in the past you will be surprised how easy and comfortable the process is.
Add Design-12 Page Book
Design - Why not let a design expert handle your project? At Crystal Clear we design projects all the time and we are good at it! It does take experience to convey your message correctly and make the right impression. We have that experience. In fact after designing thousands of projects we can comfortably say that we get it right the first time almost every time. Even if you have never worked with a designer in the past you will be surprised how easy and comfortable the process is.
Add Design-16 Page Book
Design - Why not let a design expert handle your project? At Crystal Clear we design projects all the time and we are good at it! It does take experience to convey your message correctly and make the right impression. We have that experience. In fact after designing thousands of projects we can comfortably say that we get it right the first time almost every time. Even if you have never worked with a designer in the past you will be surprised how easy and comfortable the process is.
Add Design-20 Page Book
Add Design-20 Page Book
Add Design-24 Page Book
Design - Why not let a design expert handle your project? At Crystal Clear we design projects all the time and we are good at it! It does take experience to convey your message correctly and make the right impression. We have that experience. In fact after designing thousands of projects we can comfortably say that we get it right the first time almost every time. Even if you have never worked with a designer in the past you will be surprised how easy and comfortable the process is.
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Add Design-28 Page Book
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Add Design-36 Page Book
Add Barcode
Crystal Clear can create a barcode for you to add to your final artwork. You will receive an email asking for important information regarding your barcode shortly after placing your order. After you submit the information we will provide you with a barcode to add to your art. The recommended size for your barcode is one and a half inches wide and one-half inch tall.The cost of the barcode is a one time fee. If you produce this same package again there will not be an additional charge for the barcode. Barcodes are great if you intend to sell your product in a retail environment. Otherwise it may not be necessary to add a barcode. Pricing does not change with quantity of discs ordered. There are some limitations to registering barcodes and it is your responsibility to register your own barcode for tracking purposes (easy to do, just ask your CSR), please contact your CSR for additional details.
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